Brand Name:
Skype is a telecommunications application that specializes in providing video chat and voice calls between computers, tablets, mobile devices, the Xbox One console, and smartwatches over the Internet. Skype also provides instant messaging services. Users may transmit text, video, audio and images.
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This font is not used for "
", but this is the font that the community have designed based on the logo.
The "
" logo is based on this font.
The closest font you can get for the "
" logo is this font
This font is used in "
" brand, but it was modified
This font is used in "
" brand, but it is Heavily modified
The logo "
" uses this font and it was verified ✔️by our designers.
This is a community submission, and it's not verified yet.
Segoe Ui
Segoe is a typeface, or family of fonts, that is best known for its use by Microsoft. The company uses Segoe in its online and printed marketing materials, including recent logos for a number of products.
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